Sunday, November 14, 2010


Written By: Georgia F.
      Imperialism in America was a very quick paced way to catch up to other countries such as Europe in the race to obtain the most economically powerful country. While not all Americans agreed with Manifest Destiny and the militaristic expansion across the territory leading to the Pacific Ocean, the Samoan Islands, the Philippines, and other smaller countries off the coast of the United States, it paved the way for America to become what it is today.  Rapid growth in America resulted from American Imperialism. From the 19th century to the 20th century the population had skyrocketed and twenty-nine states had been added. The foundation for America to become a super-power had been laid.


Jones, Jacqueline, Created Equal A Social and Political History of the United States.  New York: Pearson, 2008. Print.

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